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My Deleted Notes are Born Again
Posted by Nice Job
15 years ago

June 11, 2009

So I deleted a bunch of notes a couple weeks ago, then today - Viola - they are back again.

How can I give them a proper burial?

Ummmm! Is Memento upset with something I said or did?


Posted by Tim
15 years ago

June 12, 2009

Sounds strange. Sounds like something on your system restored an old version of your notes file. The most likely cause of this is that you have your 'My Documents' folder on a network share or have a 'roaming profile' or something. Maybe you used some backup/restore software to get some files back recently, and overwrote the Memento file by mistake?

Memento stores its notes in a file called 'Memento.notes', which is in your 'My Documents' folder (wherever that is located).

Do you tend to run your PC for weeks without rebooting it? This may also make the above situations more likely. Although I'm not entirely sure what's going on here.


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