
Forums » Feedback » Memento
vista gadget
Posted by freddym
(freddym's website)
17 years ago

June 20, 2007

any thoughts of making a Vista gadget with memento. please keep us updated if you are.


Posted by Tim
17 years ago

June 20, 2007

I did think about that - I even went so far as to install Vista on my PC to try it out and see how to make gadgets, etc.

However, Vista annoyed me so much that it didn't last - I'm back to XP. I may give it another try soon. Until I do I'm unlikely to do a gadget version of Memento, as if I don't actually use Vista, I imagine I won't be able to make it very usable. It would be a Vista gadget, but would probably be irritating to use (as I wouldn't have done proper user testing on it, i.e. use it myself for a decent period of time).


Posted by JohnDo
17 years ago

June 24, 2007

I found a lot useful info. Thanks.


Posted by Peavaireriups
17 years ago

June 25, 2007


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Posted by Derek
(Derek's website)
17 years ago

June 28, 2007


Had Vista on my wife's PC at purchase, ended up removing and adding XP.

While using it, I thought that the Gadget was actually a Google gadget no a Vista Gadget. (I hope I'm using the correct terminology.)

Bottom line, I think you may be able to create and use the gadgets, ie google version, and leave Vista alone.



Posted by Tim
17 years ago

June 29, 2007

I could possibly do a Google gadget, but to be honest while I use GDS, I don't use all of that gadget fluff. Whenever I thought about doing a Google gadget, it just seemed like it would end up being an inferior version of Memento.

Maybe I will relent one day though.


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